今晚聽緊嚟自愛爾蘭嘅新晉樂隊Kodaline。有人話佢哋似Cold Play,但係我覺得佢哋嘅音樂更加打動到我,可能係因為佢哋啲歌嘅感情通常都好鬼露骨,有啲肉麻但又唔矯情,有種輕輕嘅鄉村味道。我個人鍾意第一張大碟多過第二隻好多,主要係啲旋律好聽啲,編曲都冇咁花巧;其中好多首歌都好好聽,呢首《way back when》未必係最好聽,但係歌詞意思好好,英文又簡單易明lol 主要係講成長嘅快樂同失去,每一句都會擊中我哋心入面所懷念嘅過去,9譯咗份歌詞,如果喜歡嘅不妨睇吓。
《way back when》
We never had that much to do
So we just lay around in someone’s house
Someday I’ll have it all again
Just like way back when
Back then we’d sleep until the afternoon
Then we’d just get up and go outside
Open a window, let the breeze blow in,
Forget everything
Yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say
When all my days are done
We were just having fun
Well we’d go drinking in the afternoon
Lie out on the grass and fall asleep
Oh will I ever see that girl again?
The girl from way back when
Yeah, we used to share a cigarette
And throw together everything we had
And then go driving in my parents' car
We never strayed too far
Oh, yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say
When all my days are done
That I had my fun
Those will be the days that I had my fun
Yeah time can move so fast
Some things aren't made to last
So here's to you, my dear old friend
From way back when
Yeah, those will be the days that I'll be missing
When I'm old and when I'm grey and when I stop working
I hope that I can say
When all my days are done
That I had my fun
「dear my friend歌詞意思」的推薦目錄:
dear my friend歌詞意思 在 〈「Dear My Friend,」療癒每顆因至親離世而悲痛的心靈〉... 的必吃
2021年8月12日 — 《Dear My Friend,》除了旋律令人想起「軒式情歌」外,就連歌詞部份也找來 ... 會黯淡無光,令一句句子同時包含了兩個意思,將觸動人心的程度加乘了。 ... <看更多>
dear my friend歌詞意思 在 有點催淚的歌詞#BTS#suga - 追星板 - Dcard 的必吃
以下為部分歌詞* 直到現在依舊是不斷不斷思念著你想念你若當時抓住了你不若當時阻止了你直到現在依舊如果我們還是朋友的話會如何呢Dear my friend 我 ... ... <看更多>
dear my friend歌詞意思 在 〈「Dear My Friend,」療癒每顆因至親離世而悲痛的心靈〉... 的必吃
2021年8月12日 — 《Dear My Friend,》除了旋律令人想起「軒式情歌」外,就連歌詞部份也找來 ... 會黯淡無光,令一句句子同時包含了兩個意思,將觸動人心的程度加乘了。 ... <看更多>